How we response and react to an event – be it the past, current or future event – will determine what happens in the future, the outcome we want.
We would like to invite you to share and learn from each other’s experience to build a better shared future together after the ‘storm’.
We aim to crowd-source questions that illustrate what is in the forefront of the minds of thousands of leaders at this particular moment. Send us questions you think need answering by business leaders, government, regulators, civil society and academia in charting a course towards the future we want together. This will form the basis to better tailor our services for you.
Contribute your thoughts or stories of your experience in ICDM Pulse, a site dedicated to fostering directors’ knowledge. We are always on the lookout for stories.
Interested to share your experiences with your peer directors or aspiring directors? Volunteer your time in our programmes. Contribute back to the society.