Being Sustainable, Socially Responsible & Ethical PLCs
Effective management of material Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) issues has become a top corporate agenda in recent years. Value can be created by capitalising on unfolding ESG opportunities while inadequate mitigation of related risks may result in value destruction. The extent of such impacts, both positive and negative, are dependent upon the overall agility, adaptability as well as capability of the company to address them.
Guidebook 2 on Sustainable, Socially Responsible and Ethical PLCs, presents an ESG framework with practical guiding steps on how PLCs can develop a well-defined ESG response. There are also dedicated chapters on key topics under the E, S and G dimensions respectively, which include ‘how-to’ guidance on areas that are highly relevant to businesses. This guidebook also provides insights into the relevance of ESG for common corporate functions to better understand how ESG can, and should, be embedded across the whole company.
For more information, please download the quick tour or full version of the Guidebook 2 via the following links: