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Past Programmes

8 CPD points 10 RCH

Cultivating Strategic Mindsets in Leadership

Anushia Kandasamy, Management Consultant & Senior Leadership Facilitator, Managing Director of Samanea Asia Consulting Malaysia

RM 1,800.00 (STANDARD)
RM 1,440.00 (ICDM MEMBER)
PER PERSON (exclusive of 8% SST)

Programme Overview

This workshop, Cultivating Strategic Mindsets in Leadership is targeted at Directors and Senior Management Team members who are seeking to be more strategic in their interactions as senior leaders within an organisation. It helps to address a challenge that many leaders face when transitioning into more strategic senior roles: shifting from “doing” to “guiding”. Strategic thinking focuses on finding and developing unique opportunities to create value for your organisation, so cultivating a mindset that constantly challenges conventional thinking is key for both Board & Management.

The workshop aims to help participants to become helpful strategic thought partners to their colleagues and teams. It is not about the latest strategic thinking or analytical tools – it is about understanding and shifting behaviours in order to interact more effectively as a senior leader or advisor – building capacity so you are in a unique position to guide the development and delivery of your strategy and maximise the impact that your business.

Participants will learn how to identify current behaviours or patterns, consider “default” behaviours to let go of, and practice new ways of engaging in order to provide a creative dialogue platform where different perspectives on critical and complex issues can be shared.. Key change leadership concepts and tools will be shared, including Adaptive Leadership, the Iceberg Model and the Influence Model.

The workshop is designed to be highly interactive, with a combination of presentations and plenary discussions, breakout group discussions, self-reflection and peer coaching.

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand the importance of cultivating strategic mindsets as senior leaders, especially in the shift from “doing” to “guiding” (The “WHY”)
  • Learn how to observe and identify own behaviours that could get in the way of strategic thinking, and define more effective behaviours (The “WHAT”)
  • Apply Change Leadership tools to enable own behaviour shifts, and identify opportunities to immediately integrate learnings into day-the boardroom (The “HOW”)

Who is this Programme For?

  • Aspiring Directors
  • Newly Appointed Directors
  • Developing or emerging directors
  • Directors with a tenure between 1 –5 year
  • Senior Management Team

Tuesday | 28 May 2024

  • Welcome, Objectives & Agenda
  • Check-in – Learning Goals & Commitments
  • Why Strategic Mindsets Matter
  • Our Behaviour Shifts
  • Exploring Icebergs
12.45am LUNCH
  • Asking Effective Questions
  • Making Change Happen
    – Influence Model
  • Reflections & Personal Actions
5pm Programme Ends


anushia kandasamy

Anushia Kandasamy
Management Consultant & Senior Leadership Facilitator, Managing Director of Samanea Asia Consulting Malaysia

Anushia Kandasamy is a management consultant and senior leadership facilitator based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. She brings 20 years of work experience across Malaysia, Indonesia and Vietnam, including 10 years with McKinsey & Company in Southeast Asia.

Anushia works with the public sector on strategic planning and policymaking, while supporting private sector leaders on Change Leadership and Change Management. Her expertise lies in formulating and delivering large-scale organisation transformation and change leadership programmes as well as socio-economic planning for sustainable development and growth. She is increasingly expanding her expertise in leadership development, helping leaders to link strategy, culture and business outcomes while strengthening team connection and effectiveness.

Anushia holds an MsC (Distinction) in Development Administration and Planning from University College London (UCL), and a BSc in Accounting & Finance (Hons) awarded by the University of London. She is a proud Malaysian who considers herself blessed to have lived in different parts of the country. She speaks Bahasa Malaysia, English and basic Japanese.

