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Partner Events

Corporate Board Leadership Symposium 2024 Strategic Leadership: Navigating Transitions with Resilience

RM 950 (ICDM Member)
RM 1,250 (Normal Price)
PER PERSON (exclusive of 8% SST)
Register Now

For registration, please contact Kogilavani at 03 2722 9294 or email to sp@mia.org.my

As we stand at the threshold of a new horizon, corporate leaders must adeptly navigate the intricate interplay of artificial intelligence, sustainable business imperatives, and the everpressing need for robust cybersecurity. This symposium promises insightful discussions, interactive sessions, and thought-provoking dialogues that will empower you with the knowledge and strategies needed to lead your organisation successfully into the future. Join us as we bring together industry thought leaders, experts, and visionaries to explore and chart the course for responsible, innovative, and sustainable corporate leadership.

Join us as we bring together industry thought leaders, experts, and visionaries to explore and chart the course for responsible, innovative, and sustainable corporate leadership. The Corporate Board Leadership Symposium 2024 is your platform to engage in discussions that matter, collaborate with peers facing similar challenges, and gain actionable insights that will shape the way you lead in the new horizon.

