Businesses are responsible for most of the emissions around the world and when considering the decarbonisation which the world has committed to [via the Paris Agreement], directors, as long-term stewards need to be mindful of their responsibilities in curbing these emissions; identifying its financial risks and managing a smooth transition to a decarbonised economy as been expected by its wide array of stakeholders. As the steward, the board also needs to be sufficiently climate literate and implement climate governance principles to help them manage this green economy transition.
After many discussions, with the staunch support of the Institute of Corporate Directors Malaysia, Climate Governance Malaysia (CGM) are launching the ASEAN Climate Governance Network on Monday 14 February 2022, our Valentine to the Earth.
This is a landmark initiative amongst ASEAN institutes of directors with thoughtful and responsible directors to take charge in the climate crisis and climate transition priorities by understanding the deep ties and connections between ASEAN countries and the importance to work closely together in increasing the collective climate resilience.
At this launch event, directors from ASEAN, Founder of the Climate Governance Initiative, Karina Litvack, as well as representatives from PwC New Zealand, Asian Development Bank and Sustainable Finance Institute of Asia will be featured.
Click here for more details.